Forever Aloe Combo (Aloe Vera Gel, Berry Nectar, Peaches) (Tri-pack)

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Brand Name: Forever Living


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Tri-Pack Aloe Combo contains the following three flavors:

1x Forever Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera as nature intended.
Forever Aloe Vera Gel is a pure aloe drink with 99.7% aloe vera gel! The gel comes directly from our own plantations in Texas and the Dominican Republic. Forever Aloe Vera Gel is rich in vitamin C, is sugar-free and contains no preservatives.

1x Forever Aloe Berry Nectar
Forever Aloe Berry Nectar with the taste sensation of cranberry and apple.
Enjoy pure aloe vera gel combined with the fruity taste of cranberry and apple. Forever Aloe Berry Nectar consists of 90.7% aloe vera gel, is rich in vitamin C and contains no preservatives.

1x Forever Aloe Peaches
Forever Aloe Peaches with a sunny peach flavor.
Enjoy pure aloe vera gel combined with the sweet taste of peach. Forever Aloe Peaches consists of 84.3% aloe vera gel, is rich in vitamin C and contains no preservatives.

N.B. If you are currently taking any form of medication or are under medical treatment (for example, for diabetes or heart defects), we recommend that you see a doctor before taking ARGI+. ARGI+ is not suitable if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breastfeeding. Gluten-free

Forever Aloe Vera Gel Forever Aloe Berry Nectar Forever Aloe Peaches

* Health claim pending European approval. Source texts: Forever living FBO shop