Learn more about Forever Aloe Vera

Independent Forever Business Owner

Independent Business Owner - Forever aloe vera


Forever Aloe Vera

Forever.com is a registered Independent Forever Business Owner. 

What does this mean?

Forever.be may sell products on an independent basis for Forever Living. We give you the same service but the handling is done by Forever itself. So if you place an order through Forever Aloe vera or through the FBO webshop, the delivery of the products will always be sent from Forever Netherlands.

You can find all of Forever s contact information on the FBO shop (bottom left)

Forever Living logo - Forever Business Owner
MDG Digital LLC - Online Business and Identity company

As a business owner myself, I am an avid user of Forever products. Since I feel good about it, and believe in it because of the positive experience, I decided to become an FBO ( Independent Business Owner ) as well. If you want to know more about myself and MDG Digital, please click here